“Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second. ”
19 year old Editing Talent Kees van dijkhuizen jr. does it again! With an astonishing 1.2 million Youtube views for Cinema 2009 (VIDEO), 350.000 views for Cinema 2010 (VIDEO), and 300.00 views for my personal favourite Cinema 2011 (VIDEO). Kees returned with the release of Cinema 2012 (VIDEO) yesterday. Kees compiles on the internet found footage, edits it all with this Mac Pro (Final Cut Pro 7) and somehow perfectly finds the right balance between his own choice of music and simply turns it into ‘a montage extraordinair’ . This all in celebration of this years made feature films. Kees’ edits really take you into what Francois Truffaut so beautifully said:“A film is a boat which is always on the point of sinking – it always tends to break up as you go along and drag you under with it.” Kees currently attends the Netherlands Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam and states that he wants to pursue a career in film editing or trailer editing. And is interested in both short and feature film editing: ‘I think the time has come to edit your own Feature Kees!’. Kees gets his editing inspiration from GenRocks, Matt Shapiro, Josh and Joel Walden. And I concur Editor Gen (GenRocks) has proven to be what I personally think the ’best mash-up edit of 2012’; VIDEO HERE
Besides his Cinema edits Kees also got his [films of] series. If you have time on Apocalypse day, then click further for some more of the ‘wondering editing world’ of Kees van dijkhuizen jr. ENJOY!! Sofia Coppola, Danny Boyle, David Fincher, Wes Anderson, Baz Luhrmann, Michel Gondry, Pixar Animation Studios, Guy Ritchie, Ridley Scott, Tim Burton, Christopher Nolan and Steven Spielberg. WATCH-LIKE-SHARE! CINEMA2012