9 years ago

“You are who you are when nobody’s watching" 

If you missed english comedian and activist Stephen Fry’s (battled a form of bipolar disorder in the past) outburst on veteran Irish presenter Gay Byrne’s RTE show on January 28th about The Meaning of Life, and responding to the question of what he might say to God at the pearly gates, you will have to go here  WATCH HERE….  Fry replied that he would say, “How dare you create a world in which there is such misery? It’s not our fault? It’s not right. It’s utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean- minded, stupid god who creates a world which is so full of injustice and pain?” Stephen Fry responds to the God ‘row’ to Colin Paterson on the BBC Radio 4’s here– 06-02-2015. Fry’s media frenzy reminded me of the back in march 2014, British Humanist Association released YouTube campaign called: "that’s humanism,” featuring four interesting animated videos narrated by Stephen Fry himself. Fry’s narration is eloquent and atheistic of course. “How do we know what is true?” – VIDEO, “What should we think about death?” – VIDEO, “What makes something right or wrong?” – VIDEO, “How can I be happy?” – VIDEO.  Photo credit: British Humanist Association and SkeptiSketch. More: Is There A God? Russell Brand. Enjoy!