11 years ago

“2013, the year of great of change?”

The year of the new thoughts and views right? Let’s see what the 10 Trends for 2013 are according to JWT (VIDEO). In VPRO’s Backlights Agenda 2013, big, new thinkers give their vision of the future. With super investor Jim Rogers (TRAILER) who’s saying the Euro may collapse after the September/October elections in Germany this year: “interest rates going to the roof, bonds defaulting, bankruptcy, it is not going to be a lot of fun it might lead to an ultimate solution, there is nothing like a crisis to cause people to address issues, but often when they have the crisis the politicians look for the easy way instead of the right way and they just make it worse down the road." Peter Diamandis is saying: ”I’m not saying we don’t have our set of problems — climate crisis, species extinction, water and energy shortage — we surely do. Ultimately we knock them down.” Eva Joly (VIDEO) is saying: “You must learn the managerial staff that social responsibility does not mean that Coca Cola repaints Indian schools, but it means that Coca Cola pays taxes." Nick Bostrom (VIDEO) is saying:"We have the pedal to the metal, We are accelerating ahead, we’re going faster and faster. Maybe not with very much foresight or very much of a plan as to where we want to end up. But we are going really fast, accelerating." Ricardo Semler (VIDEO) is saying: "The purpose of work is not to make money. The purpose of work is to make the workers, whether working stiffs or top executives, feel good about life.” And finally Douglas Rushkoff (VIDEO) is saying: “The banks are not the institutions to be rescued. The banks are the institutions that we need to let die so that we can get on with business!” Interested…..Watch full episode here…first minutes in Dutch the rest is in English. Enjoy!