9 years ago

“A lot of people around the world don’t have any sense that George Lucas or Francis Ford Coppola, for instance, are San Francisco-based filmmakers”

Over the past 150 years, San Francisco had been the base of operations for Eadweard Muybridge and Philo T. Farnsworth—inventors of the zoopraxiscope and television…Please have a look a great BBC portrait from Mar 7, 2011, on the pioneering forefather of cinema and Victorian enigma Eadweard Muybridge here: 

And recommend Philo T. Farnswort’s, BBC’s – Inventions ‘That Changed the World’, a five-part documentary series presented by Jeremy Clarkson. The television episode revealed the invention of the television and how it affected the world since its invention: 

While Los Angeles has been the capital of major studio filmmaking in America since the early ears of the 20th Century, in the northern part of California, San Francisco became home to a different breed of filmmaker – 

  • artists who treasure their independence and carefully guard their creative vision, even while working in the highest echelons of the commercial movie business

Fog City Mavericks (TRAILER), directed by the great Gary Leva, premiered at San Francisco’s Castro Theater on April 29, 2007 (CLIP of Premiere), George Lucas and John Lasseter attended as guest speakers. Mavericks explored and applauded the extraordinary cinematic achievements of San Francisco Bay Area filmmakers, with now having companies like Skywalker Ranch, Pixar Studios and Zoetrope StudiosA-One-To-Watch!  

Watch the film online through the director’s own Vimeo channel: 

Also recommend, ‘A Legacy of Filmmakers: The Early Years of American Zoetrope ’ Again directed by Gary Leva, The film illuminates the creation of Francis Ford Coppola’s landmark San Francisco film company American Zoetrope 

Photo credit: Capnvynl, Taken on January 17, 2011,
Creative Commons, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0), LevaFilmWorks