“Break one, thousand will rise.”
With more then 30 demonstrations in cities around the world, 805.000 media impressions #JesuisCharlie on Instagram, 2.3 million on twitter and Facebook, the French national Le Monde created a map, detailing peaceful #JesuisCharlie gatherings around – with a significant number organised through Facebook. This of course all in regards to yesterday’s Paris terrorist attacks, where three men stormed the offices of satirical French weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo. Dead count: 12 people and injured 11. Amongst the victims were 10 journalists and at least four cartoonists. More then 1000’s Cartoonists, illustrators across the world are striking back. The power of freedom of expression weighed against the violence used to oppose it. Supportive cartoons are coming from artists as far and wide as India, Egypt, Brazil, Canada, Spain and Belgium. (DailyMail). My personal favourite “moment of word”, came from Dutch author and poet Nico Dijkshoorn. This at yesterday’s daily Dutch Talk show “The World is going crazy” – De Wereld Draait Door (DWDD) —CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO—- (DUTCH ONLY). I have translated his words to English. Title: “Batmobile: that was the car of Batman.” I was seven years old and I passionately believed in Batman. Even tough he wore a black mask, he was one of the good guys. Batman was always watching over us. Yes, he drove a black car, but he would always come to save us. I’m talking about the time of fighting on the schoolyard: two boys together, the rest of the class silently around it. And then you would always hear the word: “Mercy”? you say: Mercy"? ….and then…. silently their would be that muttered word: “Mercy”.This was the image that touched me the most today: the complete lack of “Mercy.” That image of the wounded Police officer on the street, lying down, feeling his knee, almost dead, but coldly shot in the head by one of the terrorists. (Content Warning This video may be inappropriate for some users – VIDEO). Shot dead by a murderer, who as a boy, and I ’m almost certain, like the cartoonists, once made a beautiful drawing for his parents with his tip between the tongue. That shot through the head, carelessly, without looking, like a computer game, almost…. Batman!?, with always a rope around the bad guy, where are you boy? There is only one solution: scientists!!! Anywhere in the world?, forget about the global warming, forget the Higgs particle. Scientists: uptight your shoulders, and please proof that the supreme being does not exist. Prove that love, life, passion and compassion, just come from a masterful, totally random amalgamation of molecules and atoms. Proof if necessary, that all supreme beings, where playing poker, dividing faith and religion honestly, all over the world. Terror in my eyes never wins, I think if there are people after today, getting those tears in their eyes, as they remember the underlying police officer, head lifted up, looking for that schoolyard. He too was looking for old-fashioned…… “Mercy." Thankx Nico.The pen is mightier than the sword….. Photo Credit: Lucille Clerc.