9 years ago

Is the Magnetic Pole About to Flip?

TGA Production presents (TEASER) – Why is the magnetic North pole moving, and moving so fast? Paleomagnetism has taught us that the magnetic pole flips regularly, point from North to South and vice versa, once every 250,000 years on average. However, the last inversion occurred 780,000 years ago! Are we on the eve of such a major event?. During the switch, the risk is that the Earth will no longer be protected by the magnetosphere, which would have terrible consequences for both human beings and animals (who use magnetism to assess their whereabouts), for nature in general and for our technology-dependent societies. In 2010 French Director Yanick Rose and French writer Stéphane Nicolopoulos finished a fantastic documentary called When North Goes South’ for TGA Production and Idéacom International. This film follows Larry Newitt and Jean-Jacques Orgeval as they journey to France, Canada and Denmark to meet scientists from several disciplines (physicists, geophysicists, geologists, astronauts, marine biologists, paleo and archeomagneticians, etc.) in an attempt to understand, measure an explain the consequences of the forthcoming pole inversion. Watch the 2010 film ——- DUTCH ONLY —WATCH HERE—– ENGLISH —WATCH HERE–—-CBC – When North Goes South – ENGLISH ——–The Reversing of Earth’s Magnetic Poles by Dr. David Suzuki —WATCH HERE— ENGLISH NOVA Magnetic Pole Flip – WATCH HEREMore: Planet Earth in 4K (VIDEO)Magnetic Field Reversal (VIDEO)NASA | Pursuit of Light (VIDEO)NASA | Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun (VIDEO)Magnetic Field Declination from 1590 to 1990 (GIF)Discovery News The Mystery of the Earth’s Core Explained (VIDEO)Golden Ratio in Human Body (VIDEO)Golden Ratio (VIDEO), Cymatics – Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (VIDEO)Antikythera mechanism (VIDEO)Higgs boson explained in 120 seconds (VIDEO), Equinoxes by National Geographic (VIDEO)The Great Pyramid in relation to the Earth by Norman Scherer (PDF), Orion correlation theory (Wiki), BBC – The Great Pyramid – Gateway To The Stars (VIDEO)The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids by Robert Bauval (BOOK), Atlantis Rediscovered: An Orbis Enigma by Jacques Hebert (BOOK)Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock (BOOK), The Revelation of the Pyramids (VIDEO) (ENIGMA) One-to-follow! Photo credit: Stéphane Nicolopoulos © /TGA production. Enjoy!