9 years ago

“No problem is too small or too trivial if we can really do something about it.” 

American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman and American astrophysicist and younger sister of physicist Richard Feynman, Joan Feynman narrated these greatly made videos and books from the Inspiration JourneyThe Feynman Series and It’s Okay To Be Smart. Have a look/read here: 

  1. The Inspiration Journey – Richard Feynman – Nature of Nature – VIDEO 
  2. The Feynman Series is a companion project of The Sagan Series working in the hopes of promoting scientific education and scientific literacy in the general population – Youtube channel. 
  3. The Key To Science (ft Joan Feynman) VIDEO
  4. The Universe in a Glass of Wine (Richard Feynman Remixed) – VIDEO 
  5. And the 1981 BBC Horizon/PBS Nova ‘The Pleasure of findings things out’ Richard Feynman Interview here. 
  6. Get BBC’s 1993 ‘No Ordinary Genius’ book here. ‘No ordinary Genius’ captures Richard Feynman’s Legacy, and traces Feynman’s remarkable adventures inside and outside science, in words and more than one-hundred photographs, many of them supplied by his family and close friends.
  7. And The Feynman Lectures on Physics here. ‘The Feynman lectures’ offers an abundance of more such illuminating insight and immutable truth on the interplay between science and everyday life. 

Photo credit: The Inspiration Journey. More from The Inspiration Journey’s VIMEO channel here. A-One-to-read!