The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade. The book and film the ruling elite doesn’t want you to read.
Based on the bestselling book by author, journalist and renowned global arms expert Andrew Feinstein, the feature-length documentary “Shadow World” reveals the shocking reality and corruption behind the global weapons trade. The new documentary, Directed by Belgian multimedia artist, filmmaker, and curator Johan Grimonprez (Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y – 1997) (Double Take 2009), who goes deep inside the so-called “Shadow World” of government ties and big-money arms buys, and is crafted to blow the roof off some pretty hefty topics. Based on the book of The Shadow World, this feature-length documentary is an investigation into the multi-billion dollar international arms trade.
Shadow World is a documentary that focuses on the underworld of the global arms trade, corruption, and war-for-profit.
For more details go to
“Feinstein wrote Shadow World…He then collaborated with the brilliant director Johan Grimonprez, who produced a riveting documentary in a style that draws attention at movie festivals” John Matisonn, The Daily Maverick, June 16, 2016.
Background author Andrew Feinstein
The Shadow World author Andrew Feinstein was elected an ANC MP in South Africa in 1994. He resigned in 2001 in protest at the government’s refusal to allow an unfettered investigation into a £5bn arms deal. He chairs the Aids charity Friends of the Treatment Action Campaign and is a director of the anti-corruption organization Corruption Watch. He is the author of After the Party: A Personal and Political Journey Inside the ANC; and an updated edition of his book The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade is published on 25 October. Order the book right here
“This book is essential [listening] for anyone who cares about justice, transparency, and accountability in both the public and private spheres, and for anyone who believes that it is more important to invest in saving lives than in the machinery of death.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
- The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade (704 pages)
Learn about the global arms trade and the organizations working to foster transparency, root out corruption and promote a vision for meaningful and sustainable security.
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International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam 2016 (IDFA)
During IDFA2016 (Amsterdam, November 16 – 27), creative documentaries take centre stage. Since its launch in 1988 IDFA has been one of the world’s leading documentary film festivals, dedicated to the exhibition and promotion of ground-breaking creative documentaries.
- The Road to IDFA (VPRO) Coco Schrijber (6min)
- Inside Idfa (VPRO) (12min)
- Inside Idfa (VPRO) (5min)
- Inside Idfa (VPRO) (12min)
– Nov 20, 20u: IDFA, De Balie – Grote Zaal (SOLD OUT)
Shadow World is now available here to stream here
Photo credit: © 2016 Shadow World Productions, LLC/Copyright © 2012 by Andrew Feinstein All rights reserved.