8 years ago

Self-Favoring Biases in Perceptions of Selfies

Selfie fans regularly overestimate how attractive they are, scientists find.

In a new study from the Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, researchers say that independent observers typically view rampant selfie-takers as more narcissistic, less attractive and less likeable compared to individuals who forgo the solo photos. (Source Sciencealert)

In the study scientists gathered 198 college students. One hundred of these students were selfie-takers, while the other 98 reported little to no selfie-snapping.

“Selfie-takers generally over perceived the positive attributes purveyed by their selfies,” the team said in a report by Adam Boult for The Telegraph. “Here, we found that selfie-takers believed their selfies to look more attractive and likeable than photos of them taken by other people.”

The Ohio State University

Another study showed that men who posted more online photos of themselves than others scored higher on measures of narcissism and psychopathy.

Fox conducted the study with Margaret Rooney, a graduate student at Ohio State. Their results are published online in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. (source The Ohio State University)

photo credit: THE BULL PEN/Flickr.