13 years ago


Critics and myself had mixed feelings about HBO’s Newsroom. But the Time Warner owned premium cable television network didn’t care about the negative reviews and ordered a 2nd season just a week after it’s premiere (2.1 million viewers). You may know by now that the series is created and primarily written by Aaron Sorkin. Yes, Sorkin is the genius behind creating writing techniques like the walk and talk, the recycled dialogue and the recurring phrase. But with Newsroom I personally think he went too far. Yes, there is a great scene (see above) when Jeff Daniels tells the truth to the American people. But Sorkin already did that in an excellent made drama series called Studio 60 (video). And it originally comes from Paddy Chayefsky’s 1976 satirical film Network (video). I say stop using the same dialogue techniques, and plot lines over and over..(VIDEO), people in real life just don’t’ talk like that! Sorkin is perfect for writing about tech geeks who are completely disconnected from the normal world. But I have to say in all honesty with only four episodes on the go and Sam Waterston’s superb acting I hope Newsroom will find its stride in the upcoming episodes. Watch-like-don’t-like-share