10 years ago

“There is no evidence of human global warming.”

In total, over the last 20 years, an enormous amount of money ($79 billion) has been poured into The Climate Industry: climate research and development of climate-related technologies. ..after spending all that money on pure science research no one is able to point out the connection between human carbon emissions and the climate….not a single piece of empirical evidence…claims molecular biologist and activist blogger Joanne Nova (article) Fact: Ocean acidification (Article) is the most important issue on the planet today. Dr Katharina Fabricius (‘Crown of Thorns Starfish’ – Video) says: “the Oceans regulate climate, atmospheric chemistry, carbon and ocean plants called phytoplankton produce at least half of the oxygen we breathe. Since the Industrial Revolution, massive quantities of carbon dioxide pollution and carbonic acid have been released into the atmosphere and are absorbed by oceans, lowering the PH level of the sea, making the water acidic, which in turn dissolves the shells of marine organisms. The impact on coral reefs, needed by species for spawning, homes for their offspring and feeding, could create a mass extinction.” Dr. Boris Worm is a marine biologist and a Professor in Marine Conservation Biology at Dalhousie University in Halifax. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of changes in marine life, its conservation on a global scale and has the following to say about the fish stock collapse – VIDEO. Charlie Veron, former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, told The Times in 2009 already: “There is no way out, no loopholes. The Great Barrier Reef will be over within 20 years or so.” (Article) and already asks: Are we heading for the sixth mass extinction? –  VIDEO »» Biologist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (TED) is a prominent marine ecosystems expert, and is best known for his work on climate change (VIDEO) and coral reefs. He has studied oceans from Mexico to Antarctica and is leading the creation of an online virtual diving experience (Catlin Seaview) into the Great Barrier Reef. Guldberg’s PhD topic focused upon the physiology of corals and their zooxanthellae under thermal stress. Watch Catlin Seaview Survey (high-resolution, 360-degree panoramic vision) project here. Regardless if there is no evidence of human global warming  – It’s time to start HERE »> BBC’s Great Barrier Reef – Natures Miracles (VIDEO) and BBC’s Great Barrier Reef – Reef to Rainforest (VIDEO) »> The Truth About Climate Change – A two part documentary presented by Sir David Attenborough – The Truth About Climate Change (VIDEO – 1) (VIDEO -2) »»> CLIMATE MONEY (PDF)Billions in the Name of “Climate” (Article)UN IPCC, Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)PhD scientist Dr Vincent Gray: The Greenhouse Delusion, Ocean acidificationThe Worm Lab Research"the greatest sex show on earth.” – VIDEOYann Arthus-Bertrand’s 2009 ‘HOME’World Oceans Day 2014OverfishingInternational Year of Forests, Up in SmokeManufactured Landscapesand The Ocean in a changing world: from cellular to planetary dysfunction.