10 years ago

“We all need stories to help us make sense of the complexity of reality”

Said the Award winning English documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis (The Trap, The Power of Nightmares Part1 Part2 Part3) in the beginning of his latest epic (136 mins), brilliant and truly adventurous january 25th 2015 released documentary film ‘Bitter Lake(TRAILER). The name ‘Bitter Lake’ comes from a 1945 oil meeting of President Roosevelt and King Abdulaziz – The Meeting at Great Bitter Lake (susris). The Film examines the relationship between Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and the United States of America. Curtis went through all the news archives of the BBC news, and provides us with extraordinary too hot for TV footage and stunning archive footage. Brilliantly edited with some truly remarkable haunting choice of soundtracks. Curtis does exactly what the BBC used to be really good at, and brings journalism (John Pilger, Peter Greenaway, Ken Loach, Mike Leigh, Terry Gilliam) and television (online) back to a new height!…. Let’s hope there will be more….because Curtis states rightfully at the end of Bitter Lake: “What is needed is a new story and one we can believe in!" 

  • "Events come and go like waves of a fever, leaving us confused and uncertain. Those in power tell stories to help us make sense of the complexity of reality, but those stories are increasingly unconvincing and hollow. This is a film about why those stories have stopped making sense, and how that led us in the West to become a dangerous and destructive force in the world. It is told through the prism of a country at the center of the world: Afghanistan.” – Adam Curtis

Keep in the mind ‘Bitter Lake’ was not commissioned by the BBC’s television channels nor did it air there. It only got released online on the BBC iPlayer. The VOD, online department of the BBC was the department that paid for it. WATCH FULL DOC HERE + BBC iPlayer. One-to-watch! Photo Credit: BBC. More: BBC Blogs – Adam CurtisBitter Lake: Adam Curtis’s extraordinary career in clipsThe Spies Who Fooled the WorldThe Secret of the Seven Sisters – Al Jazeera English, ‘The Century of the Self’ Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4Allan Francovich’s LockerbieOperation GladioThe Shock Doctrine. Sharing=caring.