8 years ago

“You thought you were alone in the universe until you realize there’s a guy just like you, musically at least.”

The magic that makes Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlists so damn good.

The brilliant Adam Pasick from wrote on December 21, 2015 a great article on the magic of the Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlist, and why they are so damn good! 

“This morning, just like every Monday morning, 75 million Spotify users received a great new mixtape: 30 songs that feel like a gift from a music-loving friend, who might once have made a cassette tape with your name scrawled across the front….. “ Read more here 

If you’re a Spotify user, you can see what songs Spotify has picked for you this week by logging in here—when you come back to this page, your playlist will appear below. (If you don’t have Spotify, or haven’t logged in, you’ll see my most recent playlist.) Enjoy! Photo credit: Nikhil Sonnad.