10 years ago

“It will make you want to see all of these movies (again)" 

littlewhitelies.co.uk presents: LWLies’ Editor-at-Large David Ehrlich presents a shimmering video —WATCH HERE—–  shrine to the greats works of cinema that hit our screens this year. A few notes from the editor: It’s been a great year for movies, and a tireless year for me doing my best to see as many of them as possible. In order to be eligible for this list, a film had to be formally distributed in the United States in the calendar year of 2014. When needed, I extended that to films that have been submitted to the Best Foreign Language Film category at the upcoming Oscars, even if they weren’t required to have a qualifying run in NY or LA (those movies are opening really soon anyway, so it’s all good). As was also the case with last year’s video, the video kicks off with a little intro that’s intended to set the stage, and then launches into the countdown a couple of minutes later. All of the featured music comes from the films of 2014, and a full track list is waiting for you at the end. As always, this was both a blast to cut together and also just an unspeakably catastrophic waste of time. So… I hope you enjoy it. For a better look at the countdown, be sure to watch the video on its Vimeo page. Photo Credit: Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Scott Rudin Productions. Quote comes from salon.com editor, Sarah Gray. Enjoy!